Body Of Long Missing Michigan Man Found In Putnam County

The body of a man from Michi­gan who had been miss­ing since this past June was dis­cov­ered in Put­nam County.

The remains of 52 year old Brian Mar­tin were found near Leip­sic. Put­nam County Coro­ner Anna Horstman pro­nounced Mar­tin dead at the scene, just off County Road Y.

Mar­tin went miss­ing back in June, after he was last seen coach­ing a soft­ball game in Hol­land. He was bound for Louisville, Ken­tucky, but never showed up there. Two peo­ple have already been charged with mur­der in con­nec­tion with his dis­ap­pear­ance. Robert and Desirae Strauss of Toledo were indicted in July in Lucas County Court on charges of aggra­vated mur­der, mur­der, tam­per­ing with evi­dence, and grand theft of a motor vehi­cle.

Robert Strauss is now set to go to trial on those charges on Feb. 25. Desirae Strauss heads to trial on March 30.

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