Boil Order For Sherwood

In Sher­wood, the replace­ment of a water main between a the pump house and the water tower today, will call for a boil advi­sory begin­ning at 1 this after­noon. In addi­tion to the boil advi­sory, Sher­wood res­i­dents may expe­ri­ence inter­rmit­tent loss of water pres­sure. The work is nec­es­sary to cor­rect a leak that was only tem­porar­ily repaired about a week ago. The boil advi­sory today, means you need to bring your tap water to a rolling boil for one minute, then cool it before using it. You should use boiled or bot­tled water for drink­ing, mak­ing ice, wash­ing dishes, brush­ing teeth, and prepar­ing food until fur­ther notice. When tests show you longer need to boil your water, we will notify you here on WBNO and WQCT. In the mean­time, for more infor­ma­tion, you can call 419–899-2145.

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