Bomb Scare At Holgate Under Intense Investigation

Police are inves­ti­gat­ing after a bomb threat Tues­day after­noon caused the evac­u­a­tion of Hol­gate Local Schools.

Accord­ing to Kelly Mey­ers, Hol­gate Schools Super­in­ten­dent, the threat was dis­cov­ered just after 1 yes­ter­day after­noon iin the form of a note left in a boy’s bath­room, say­ing that the school would be blown up by a bomb at 1:30.

All stu­dents and staff were imme­di­ately evac­u­ated to a nearby church.

The Henry County Sheriff’s Office and the Hol­gate Fire Depart­ment brought in spe­cial bomb sniff­ing appa­ra­tus and swept the entire build­ing. Noth­ing was found, and stu­dents and fac­ulty were allowed back in the build­ing. School was then dis­missed later in the day at the nor­mal time.

Dur­ing the scare, a mes­sage was sent out to par­ents to notify them of the sit­u­a­tion. All after-school activ­i­ties were held yes­ter­day as sched­uled.

Today, the bomb scare remains under inves­ti­ga­tion, and off­i­cals are ask­ing any­one who may have some infor­ma­tion that could be help­ful in catch­ing who­ever is behind it, to con­tact the sheriff’s office. The num­ber is 419–592-8010.

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