Bomb Threat Called In To Defiance WalMart

A bomb threat at the Defi­ance Wal­mart Mon­day night brought out Defi­ance Police. The threat was phoned in at 6:16 p.m. when some­one called the Wal­Mart on North Cin­ton Street in Defi­ance, say­ing that there was a bomb in the store. Wal­mart man­age­ment imme­di­ately called 911 and the Defi­ance Fire Depart­ment set up a stag­ing area in the park­ing lot of North­towne Mall.

Police, accord­ing to scan­ner reports, were on-scene and look­ing for a man who was seen with a sus­pi­cious look­ing back­pack. At 6:50PM, the all clear was given after the store was swept and deter­mined to be safe. The inves­ti­ga­tion is con­tin­u­ing today. No arrests so far, and nobody was hurt.

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Mary Louise (Moor) Flynn, 95

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