Bond Denied For Alleged Murderer

On Wednes­day, a bond request was denied for a Defi­ance man who stands accused of mur­der.

58 year old Steven Noff­singer of Defi­ance was in Pauld­ing County Court on Wednes­day. Noff­singer is charged with mur­der­ing his ex-wife, Alma Noff­singer, who was 29 at the time, way back in 1981.

The case made national atten­tion when it was fea­tured on TNT’s “Cold Jus­tice,” this past August after Noff­singer was taken into cus­to­day fol­low­ing a long inves­ti­ga­tion.

Noff­singer is cur­rently being held in the Put­nam County Jail. His attor­neys have asked that he be released on $50,000 bond, say­ing his risk of flight is zero. They point out the fact that he owns prop­erty, includ­ing a house, and he should be allowed to get out of jail, pend­ing his trial, and sim­ply be mon­i­tored with a GPS ankle bracelet.

They say it would be more cost effi­cient for the county to allow him to be out on bond, rather than pay­ing for the expenses asso­ci­ated with trans­port­ing him to and from jail for hear­ings.

The defense also argued that bond should be allowed because of Noffsinger’s med­ical con­di­tions.

The pros­e­cu­tion on Wednes­day, said that the risk of flight is sub­stan­tial, point­ing to the fact that there have been cases where a GPS ankle bracelet has sim­ply been cut off and the per­son has just dis­ap­peared.

The court, after con­sid­er­ing both sides, declined to reduce Noffsinger’s bond, and also refused to grant a fur­lough from jail each week in order for his son to take him to a doctor.

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