Good News For Quadco

Quadco is leas­ing addi­tional ware­house space in Arch­bold in order to meet an ever-increasing demand for the card­board pal­lets they pro­duce.

The Quadco Admin­is­tra­tive board met on Tues­day, and it was announced that the cen­ter would be leas­ing space in a ware­house near their North­west Prod­ucts divi­sion for the stor­age of card­board pal­lets that they are pro­duc­ing.

The cen­ter report­edly con­tin­ues see­ing an increase in the sales of card­board pal­lets, and Quadco lead­ers say they expect to see sales ramp up after the first of the year.

In other action at Tuesday’s meet­ing, a let­ter explain­ing why the cen­ter is dis­con­tin­u­ing The Ride was dis­trib­uted. The let­ter detailed the his­tory of the ser­vice and also explained why the cen­ter can­not con­tinue offer­ing the indi­vid­ual pub­lic trans­porta­tion ser­vice in Williams County after the end of the year. Because it is being dis­con­tin­ued, the cen­ter will not be reap­ply­ing for any grants for the ser­vice.

The next joint board meet­ing will be the annual orga­ni­za­tional meet­ing at 11:30 a.m. on Tues­day, Jan­u­ary 27, 2015. The reg­u­lar busi­ness meet­ing will fol­low at noon in the Stryker main con­fer­ence room.

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