A 7.45-mill, 28-year bond issue will appear on the Novem­ber 5 bal­lot, rep­re­sent­ing local funds to match state money to con­sol­i­date the district’s stu­dents at the exist­ing Bryan Mid­dle School site.

The Bryan Times reports that the plan calls for build­ing a new high school for grades 6–12 east of the field house and foot­ball sta­dium and ren­o­vat­ing the exist­ing mid­dle school for grades pre-kindergarten to 5.

The new and refur­bished schools will replace the Lin­coln and Wash­ing­ton ele­men­taries and the high school.

Total cost is pro­jected at $57.4 mil­lion — the state’s share at $18.88 mil­lion and the local share at $38.52 mil­lion.

Accord­ing to the report, if the dis­trict doesn’t act in time to claim the state share of the money, it will be lost.

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