Another area man involved in the Arch­bold Ele­va­tor case learned his fate yes­ter­day.

61 year old Steven A. Brink was sen­tenced Mon­day in Ful­ton County Com­mon Pleas Court.

Brink will spend one year on com­mu­nity con­trol in lieu of a 180-day prison sen­tence, which was sus­pended. Brink pre­vi­ously had pleaded no con­test to one count of attempted delayed price agree­ment.

Brink will also have to pay a $500 fine and pay all court costs.

Addi­tion­ally, he is barred from hav­ing any con­tact with the other two men charged in the case, 55 year old William Fricke [Frick-EE] of Wauseon, and 36 year old Todd J. Gerig of West Unity.

Gerig last month, received the same sen­tence as Brink, with the same con­di­tions.

Fricke was sen­tenced in Octo­ber to 34 months in prison and ordered to pay $3.1 mil­lion resti­tu­tion.

The state sus­pended Arch­bold Elevator’s license, along with other licenses at branch facil­i­ties in Wauseon and Elmira.

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