The 36th annual Barn Fest will be held this Sat­ur­day from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the MacDonald-Ruff Ice Arena in Bryan. This year there will be more than 60 craft ven­dors, lots of great food, and live enter­tain­ment too, along with the most famous tra­di­tion con­nected to the 36 year old event… that home­made iron pot veg­etable beef soup cooked over an open fire.

Admis­sion is $2 for adults, and kids 12 and under get in free. Shut­tle ser­vice will also run approx­i­mately every 15–20 min­utes to and from downtown’s Fall Fest and the Wes­ley United Methodist Church purse and rug sale that day.

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