There were a lot of dif­fer­ent items on the table for dis­cus­sion at last evening’s meet­ing of Bryan City Coun­cil.

The Bryan Times reports that coun­cil heard a request from the Cham­ber of Com­merce to move the fire­works dis­play at next year’s sum­mer cel­e­bra­tion back to the park.

Coun­cil has appar­ently received many let­ters from park ven­dors who say that their busi­ness has dropped off since the fire­works were moved to the mid­dle school.

At last night’s meet­ing, coun­cil also approved a con­tract for an aer­a­tion sys­tem dif­fuser replace­ment for $413,000 at the waste­water treat­ment plant, approved the pur­chase of 600,000 refuse bags for $50,400, and set the employee annual pre­mium rate for health insur­ance with sin­gle cov­er­age at $55.93 per month and fam­ily cov­er­age $153.01 per month.

Other items were also cov­ered on the agenda.

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