Bryan Library Starts Kids Programs

With sum­mer past and older kids in school the Main Library Children’s Depart­ment in Bryan will begin the fall pro­grams for small kids. Story times will be Tues­days start­ing this com­ing Tues­day the 16th. It will be a themed story about pirates. Story times will be 11 in the morn­ing for tod­dlers ages 2 to 5 and at 6:30pm after work for the whole fam­ily. On Wednes­days the library has a Let’s Move Pro­gram with fun activ­i­ties incor­po­rat­ing music to move­ment and rhyth­mic exer­cises. On Thurs­days there will be a Lego Club, encour­ag­ing team work in build­ing things. Check with the library on East High Street for details.

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