Bryan Municipal Utilities Slated For More Secure Structure

On Tues­day, the Bryan Board of Pub­lic Affairs approved the hir­ing of a com­pany to com­plete archi­tec­tural and engi­neer­ing ser­vices for a new data cen­ter for Bryan Munic­i­pal Util­i­ties on East Edger­ton Street. The con­cern is over whether the util­i­ties should have a more secure struc­ture that can with­stand harsh straight-line winds to make sure that cus­tomers con­tinue to receive ser­vice in case of emer­gency. The Bryan Times reports that the board approved spend­ing $21,500 for archi­tec­tural and engi­neer­ing ser­vices from a Defiance-based archi­tec­tural firm, which will review and mod­ify sug­ges­tions already drafted by the BMU elec­tri­cal depart­ment. Bids for con­struc­tion will go out in 2016, with a total esti­mated cost of about $500,000 to $600,000.

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