Bryan PD Have Busy Weekend

Bryan Police had a busy week­end. On Fri­day, they arrested 22 year old Joshua Sanders of Bryan for Open Con­tainer. He was released.

On Sat­ur­day at 1:40 AM, 30 year old Brett Arm­strong of Bryan was arrested for OVI and Open Con­tainer. He was released.

On Sat­ur­day at 11:26 PM, 19 year old Tim­o­thy Pow­ell, of Stryker, was arrested for OVI, Improper Lane Change and Left of Cen­ter. He was released.

On Sun­day at 4:34 AM, 34 year old Mary McDaniel of Edger­ton was arrested on three war­rants out of Bryan Munic­i­pal Court for fail­ing to appear. The orig­i­nal charge on all three war­rants were pass­ing bad checks. She was taken to CCNO.

On Sun­day at 8:13 PM, 23 year old Amberly Badillo of Bryan, was arrested the Theft-Shoplifting. She was released.

And on Sun­day at 9:33 PM, 69 year old Glenda Hat­field of Cecil, OH was arrested for OVI. She was released.

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