Bryan PD Report

Some arrests by Bryan Police, and this time around, many of those arrested were placed behind bars. They include 35 year old Jay L. Hahn of Bryan, who was arrested on a bench war­rant

out of Bryan Munic­i­pal Court. Was taken to CCNO.

22 year old Jacob C. Hite was arrested on a bench war­rant out of Ful­ton Cty. He too was locked up in CCNO.

37 year old Jackie D. Emer­son of Bryan, was arrested on a bench war­rant out of Bryan Munic­i­pal Court. Emer­son also was taken to CCNO.

52 year old Kather­ine M. Dou­glas of Bryan, was arrested and charged with Domes­tic Vio­lence. She was taken to CCNO.

And finally, 40 year old Michael D. Klamert of Hamil­ton IN, was arrested and charged with Open Con­tainer in a motor vehi­cle. He was cited and then he was released.

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