Bryan PD Report

Bryan Police, early Sun­day morn­ing, arrested 51 year old Shelly Hayes of Bryan, for OVI and Dis­or­derly Con­duct after Warn­ing. Hayes was taken to CCNO. It hap­pened around 4:30 yes­ter­day morn­ing.

Also on Sun­day, just before 8pm, police report that 18 year old Alexan­drea Nunn of Bryan, was arrested on a bench war­rant out of Bryan Munic­i­pal Court for Dis­or­derly Con­duct. She was also taken to CCNO.

On Sat­ur­day, at 2:53 AM, Bryan Police arrested 22 year old Bri­tani Smith of Bryan, charg­ing her with OVI and Pos­ses­sion of Mar­i­juana. She was released.

Also on Sat­ur­day morn­ing, at almost the exact same time, Bryan Police say they arrested 20 year old Tay­lor Merz of Bryan. She was arrested for Under­age Con­sum­ing, and then was released.

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