Bryan PD Report

It’s been a busy cou­ple of days for Bryan Police.

On Fri­day, 18 year old Michaela Myers of Bryan, was arrested for Dis­or­derly Con­duct. She was released.

Also on Fri­day, 24 year old Matthew Weber Jr of Bryan, was arrested for Dis­or­derly Con­duct After Warn­ing. He was taken to CCNO.

And on Fri­day, 65 year old William D. Robert­son Jr was arrested on two counts of Theft-Shoplifting.

He was also arrested on a bench war­rant out of Bryan Munic­i­pal Court. He was taken to CCNO.

And 19 year old Patrick Stil­son of Bryan, was arrested for Theft. He was taken to CCNO.

On Sat­ur­day 24 year old Brit­tany Hurst of Bryan, was arrested for Theft-Shoplifting. She was released.

And on Sun­day, 31 year old Michael Rochester of Bryan, was charged and served for three counts of Crim­i­nal Tres­pass. Rochester was an inmate at CCNO at the time, so he remained there.

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