Bryan Police report sev­eral arrests over the week­end…

On Sat­ur­day, 21 year old Korey RJ Cook of Toledo was arrested for Lit­ter­ing. He was released.

On Sat­ur­day 30 year old Thomas H. Munger, Jr of Mont­pe­lier was arrested for Pos­ses­sion of Mar­i­juana and Pos­ses­sion of Drug Para­pher­na­lia. He was released.

On Sunday,54 year old Xavier F. Vasquez of Bryan, was arrested on a bench war­rant out of Bryan Munic­i­pal Court for fail­ing to appear. He was released on his own recog­nance.

On Sun­day 32 year old Jeryme L. Koch of Bryan, was arrested on a bench war­rant out of Bryan Munic­i­pal Court for fail­ing to appear for a hear­ing on the pay­ment of fines. He was taken to CCNO.

64 year old William D. Robert­son of Bryan. was arrested and charged with theft stem­ming from a com­plaint from Wal­Mart. He was released.

On Friday,31 year old Jonathan R. Shep­herd of Bryan was arrested on a war­rant in ref­er­ence to a domes­tic vio­lence inci­dent. He was taken to CCNO.

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