Bryan Police Blotter

Bryan Police made some arrests. Accord­ing to a report issued this morn­ing, 19 year old Dakota McNany of Bryan was arrested Sat­ur­day, and charged with con­sum­ing under­age, and pos­ses­sion of mar­i­juana. He was released on his own recog­ni­zance. On Sat­ur­day, 20 year old Justin Antigo of Bryan, was arrested and charged with con­sum­ing under­age. He too was released on his own recog­ni­zance. On Sun­day, 29 year old Dustin M. Vogel­song of Bryan was arrested and charged with OVI. He was taken to CCNO. An on Mon­day, 19 year old Jyscinda Kendall of Bryan was arrested and charged with fur­nish­ing a place to allow under­age alco­hol con­sup­tion. She was released on her own recognizance.

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