Bryan Police Have Busy Holiday

Bryan Police didn’t take the hol­i­day off. On Fri­day, they arrested 32 year old Jeremy Rohlof of E. But­ler St., Bryan for Dis­or­derly Con­duct. He was released. Also on Fri­day, Bryan Police took 31 year old Dustin Car­roll of Cen­ter Street in Bryan into cus­tody on charges of vio­lat­ing a civil pro­tec­tion order and dis­or­derly con­duct. Car­roll was locked up in CCNO. Then on Sat­ur­day, July 4th, 21 year old Slade Cupp, who gave police no per­ma­nent address, was arrested for crim­i­nal tres­pass. Cupp also had a war­rant for his arrest out of Defi­ance Munic­i­pal Court for fail­ing to appear. He was taken to CCNO. And finally on Sat­ur­day, July 4th, 18 year old Tim­o­thy Geleide, also with no per­ma­nent address, was arrested for Crim­i­nal Tres­pass. He too was taken to CCNO.

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