Bryan Police Make Arrestes

Bryan police report the arrest of 21 year old Kristo­pher Shutts [SHUTS] of Bryan on a Felony war­rant out of Steuben County Cir­cuit Court. The orig­i­nal charge against Shutts was Inter­fer­ence with Cus­tody. He was taken to CCNO. Also arrested on Mon­day… 21 year old Brook Lil­lard of Wes­ley Avenue in Bryan. Lil­lard was col­lared on a felony warrant/probation vio­la­tion out of the Williams County Court of Com­mon Pleas. The orig­i­nal charge was Fail­ure to Com­ply with an Order or Sig­nal of a Police Offi­cer. Lil­lard was turned over to the Williams County Sheriff’s Depart­ment and taken to CCNO.

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