Bryan Police report that on Wednes­day, 23 year old Christo­pher Kizer of Edger­ton was arrested for abuse of Harm­ful Intox­i­cants and Con­tribut­ing to the Delin­quency of a Minor. He was taken to CCNO.

Also on Wednes­day, 20 year old Maxwell Sid­ney of Bryan was arrested for Abuse of Harm­ful Intox­i­cants and Pos­ses­sion of Drug Para­pher­na­lia. He was released.

And finally, yes­ter­day morn­ing Bryan Police arrested 20 year old Corey Hurt of West Unity on Domes­tic Vio­lence charges. Hurt was taken to Bryan Munic­i­pal Court and then released.

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