Bryan School Board Meets

The Bryan School Board held their reg­u­lar meet­ing Mon­day. Accord­ing to the Bryan Times, teacher work­days got under­way Mon­day and they con­tinue today.

Open houses and ori­en­ta­tions also are tak­ing place. Wednes­day is the big open­ing day.

The board yes­ter­day, approved per­ma­nent appro­pri­a­tions for the new school year total­ing about $29 and a half mil­lion dol­lars.

Retired bus dri­ver Doug Jacobs, who quit two years ago, has been re-hired. In other action yes­ter­day, Fam­ily Med­ical Leave Act time off was approved for Dave Ech­ler and Deb­bie Isaac, and the res­ig­na­tion of Erik Diaz as mid­dle school inter­ven­tion teacher was accepted. Ben Elt­ing was trans­ferred to a grade 7 inter­ven­tion teacher posi­tion to replace Diaz.

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