The Bryan City Board of Edu­ca­tion opened their Mon­day evening Bryan school board meet­ing with a big thank you to the vot­ers for approv­ing the school con­struc­tion and ren­o­va­tion plans in the Novem­ber 5th elec­tion.

Actual con­struc­tion prob­a­bly will not get under­way until some­time in 2015, which will be the time that the Lin­coln and Wash­ing­ton ele­men­tary schools and the high schools, built in 1916 and in the 1950s, will finally get replaced and upgraded.

On Nov. 5, vot­ers, by a 55 per­cent mar­gin, approved a 7.45-mill bond issue to raise $32.8 mil­lion toward con­struct­ing a new grade six to 12 school at the mid­dle school site, and ren­o­vat­ing the exist­ing mid­dle school to house pre-kindergarteners through fifth-graders. The project, when fin­ished, will con­sol­i­date all the district’s stu­dents at one site.

The Bryan Times reports that two ini­tial actions toward financ­ing the project were approved Mon­day by the school board. One autho­rized bond antic­i­pa­tory notes, and the other states the district’s inten­tion to repay any tem­po­rary advances to the cap­i­tal fund toward the construction.

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