Bryan Tax Discussed

At Monday’s Bryan Coun­cil meet­ing, coun­cil mem­bers and the mayor dis­cussed the ½ per­cent income tax levy Bryan vot­ers will be asked to replace.

They say it’s noth­ing new… It’s been in place since 1986 and has been renewed every 9 ½ years.

The tax, accord­ing to the Bryan Times, col­lects 1.8 per­cent income from every employed worker who works or lives in Bryan and from every busi­ness in the city, based on net profit.

Accord­ing to the mayor, the tax gen­er­ates about $1.7 mil­lion per year to fund street, sewer and waste­water projects as well as the debt fund for the police and fire com­plex. The tax money can’t be used for city employee wages or gen­eral oper­at­ing expenses.

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