Burn Benefit Scheduled

A freewill pan­cake and sausage break­fast will be held tomor­row morn­ing from 7–11 at the Farmer Amer­i­can Legion Hall to ben­e­fit the fam­ily of Alexan­der Tressler, the 10-year-old son of Shana Tressler of Defi­ance County, who was severely injured in a fire on Oct. 8th.

The lit­tle boy received third-degree burns to about 30 per­cent of his upper body. He was in the hos­pi­tal for four weeks and received exten­sive skin graft­ing, and will require more skin graft­ing in the future.

He’s a fifth grade stu­dent at Fairview Ele­men­tary School, but will not be able to return to class until after Christ­mas at the ear­li­est. For the time being, he is receiv­ing home tutor­ing.

Alexan­der is receiv­ing phys­i­cal ther­apy and home nurs­ing assis­tance, but he has a long way to go.

Tomorrow’s break­fast will include scram­bled eggs, fruit, orange juice, milk and cof­fee, along with pan­cakes and sausage. There will be a silent auc­tion too. The ben­e­fit is being spon­sored by the TGIF of the Farmer United Methodist Church.

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