The Bryan Area Cham­ber of Com­merce is hold­ing its annual “Meet the Can­di­dates” forum Thurs­day night at 7:30 in the New Era audi­to­rium.

The forum is a chance for each can­di­date to step for­ward and present his or her posi­tions. Eights top­ics for pre­sen­ta­tion have already been given to the can­di­dates, but the Cham­ber is still accept­ing sub­mis­sions, and those attend­ing will also have the oppor­tu­nity to sub­mit ques­tions dur­ing the forum.

To sub­mit a ques­tion, email it to with “Advo­cacy Team MTC Ques­tion” in the sub­ject line.

The event is free, and will be streamed live on Bryan’s TV26, and recorded for re-broadcast by Bryan Munic­i­pal Utilities.

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