It’s always nice to start the morn­ing with some good news…

The Bryan Times is report­ing this morn­ing that accord­ing to a study con­ducted by the Internet-based con­sumer sci­ence com­pany Nerd­Wal­let Inc., Williams County, Ohio, is the fifth-best county in the nation in which to work.

Nerd­Wal­let eval­u­ated areas that were the best places to work based on eco­nomic indi­ca­tors, prospec­tive growth and qual­ity of life, based on the fol­low­ing ques­tions…

* Are there jobs?

* Do res­i­dents earn high salaries?

* Is the city (county) grow­ing?

* Are com­mutes short?

Nerd­Wal­let, which is based in San Fran­cisco, said Williams County did really well in the sur­vey.

Iron­i­cally, the top scor­ing county in the nation is also named Williams County. Williams County North Dakota that is.

We did well here in Williams County Ohio too, com­ing out in the top five nation­ally.

Fair­fax County, Va., rated fourth, and Dou­glas County, Colo., rated sixth. Boul­der County, Colo., was in 20th place mout of the more than 1,800 U.S. coun­ties Nerd­Wal­let surveyed.

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