Car Drives Through Bank Window

One per­son was slightly injured when a vehi­cle drove through the side of First Finan­cial Bank in Pauld­ing on Fri­day. Pauld­ing Police say a bank man­ager suf­fered a cut to the back of his head from fly­ing glass when a vehi­cle dri­ven by 91 year old Lor­raine Pap of Payne, entered the build­ing at approx­i­mately 11:32 a.m. Pap had been attempt­ing to par­al­lel park on Main Street when she report­edly stepped on the accel­er­a­tor instead of the brake and drove through the front win­dow of the bank. The car came to rest in the bank’s lobby. The bank at 201 N. Main St., was host­ing its cus­tomer appre­ci­a­tion day dur­ing the event. The bank man­ager was trans­ported to Pauld­ing County Hos­pi­tal by the Pauld­ing EMS for treat­ment. Pap was cited for fail­ure to control.

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