Car vs Deer Accidents Frequent

The State High­way Patrol reminds dri­vers that this is the sea­son when deer are very active and most car and deer col­li­sions hap­pen. Sun­day a car was heav­ily dam­aged hit­ting a deer on US 127 in Wash­ing­ton Town­ship in Defi­ance County. On Mon­day a car hit a deer also in Wash­ing­ton Town­ship. On Tues­day a deer ran in front of a car in Williams County on US 6 in Spring­field Town­ship and was hit. On Wednes­day in Williams County’s Cen­ter Town­ship a car hit a deer on Ohio 576. And also on Wednes­day dam­age to a car was sig­nif­i­cant when it hit a deer on Cicero Road in Defi­ance County’s Mil­ford Township.

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