CCNO In Grave Jeopardy

The Cor­rec­tions Cen­ter of North­west Ohio is hang­ing on, by a thread. On Fri­day, the exec­u­tive board of CCNO accepted an 80-percent par­tial pay­ment of Toledo’s $1.3 mil­lion fourth quar­ter oper­at­ing debt, that will go toward sup­port­ing oper­a­tions of the jail through mid-December. The future of the rest of the year and all of next year for the facil­ity how­ever, is still up in the air. Toledo still owes $299,920, which must be paid by Dec. 13th. The Bryan Times today reports that the inter­est on that debt still needs to be cal­cu­lated, along with over-usage fees when the city exceeded its 228-bed allot­ment. It was pointed out last week, that CCNO only has a $610,000 reserve fund, enough to oper­ate for two weeks.

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