CCW applications way up in 2015

CCW appli­ca­tions have risen over the hol­i­day sea­son. The Bryan Times reports Williams County is open daily with­out an appoint­ment to process an appli­ca­tion. Accord­ing to one clerk, the fourth quar­ter of this year has been the busiest, with 117 new appli­ca­tions and 42 renewals. Over­all, one clerk, Kelly Hig­gins, has processed 373 new CCW appli­ca­tions this year. Accord­ing to Mitch Stan­ley at his gun store in West Unity, about half of the new CCW course tak­ers are women. When asked why is there such a spike, Stan­ley told the Bryan Times he thinks it’s a com­bi­na­tion of rea­sons, includ­ing the shoot­ings in San Bernadino. He said when Sher­iffs rec­om­mend that cit­i­zens arm them­selves, peo­ple tend to fol­low that advice.

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