Cemetery Rate Increase May Be Headed For Voter Approval

We recently told you about some pend­ing rate increases at a Defi­ance ceme­tery. Well now, it seems that a group of Defi­ance res­i­dents plan to place that issue on the bal­lot.

Ear­lier this month, Defi­ance coun­cil passed an ordi­nance that would have sig­nif­i­cantly raised the rates at River­side Ceme­tery, dou­bling those rates for some Defi­ance res­i­dents, and increas­ing them even greater for non-residents.

Accord­ing to the Cres­cent News, two for­mer city coun­cil­men and a for­mer city police offi­cer in Defi­ance are now try­ing to get the issue on the Novem­ber bal­lot and leave the deci­sion up to the vot­ers.

They plan to cir­cu­late peti­tions to sub­mit to the county’s board of elec­tions before the 4pm, August 6th dead­line for fil­ing for the Novem­ber bal­lot. They need to get 521 sig­na­tures to do it.

If you would like to help, call 419–784-5171 or 419–784-4712, or 419–784-3475.

Those behind the move­ment call the rate increases… quote: excessive.

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