Change Of Plea Hearing Set For Today In Stetler Rape Case

A Change of Plea hear­ing is set for this after­noon in Steuben Cir­cuit Court in the case of a rural Angola man accused of an alleged sex­ual assault early on New Years Eve. 54 year old Frank Stetler is charged with felony rape, crim­i­nal con­fine­ment, intim­i­da­tion and stran­gu­la­tion. The rape count alone car­ries a max­i­mum sen­tence of 40 years in prison. Last week, Stetler’s defense attor­neys filed a motion for the change of plea hear­ing in the case in which Stetler is accused of rap­ing a woman after allegedly threat­en­ing her with a knife or sword and tying her up in a home. The woman man­aged to escape and went to Cameron Memo­r­ial Com­mu­nity Hospital’s emer­gency room. Details of the plea agree­ment have not been made public.

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