Changes In Scope Of Courthouse Renovations In Defiance

The improve­ments at the Defi­ance County cour­t­house will pro­ceed, how­ever they will now be done on a reduced scale, foll­wing a meet­ing that was held this week. The meet­ing of a com­mit­tee resulted in a vote, by a 5 to 2 mar­gin, not to pro­ceed with a full-scale ren­o­va­tion, which would have involved mak­ing changes to the building’s third floor exte­rior archi­tec­ture. The rea­son… the cost, which would have added up to $5.8 mil­lion. Now, some minor inte­rior ren­o­va­tions are in the plans, which will cost a lot less. Now, the esti­mated cost for exte­rior projects that will be bid out is $1.55 mil­lion while inte­rior work will still be a lit­tle extra.

The build­ing has been referred to as one of Ohio’s ugli­est courthouses.

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