Dan Hughes may or may not have bro­ken the law dur­ing his 2012 cam­paign for Williams County Sher­iff, but it all is now irrelavent.

Hughes was charged with a cam­paign vio­la­tion in Bryan Munic­i­pal Court a lit­tle more than a month before the Novem­ber 2012 gen­eral elec­tion. The case against him was finally dis­missed on June 3rd “with prej­u­dice” against future action, mean­ing it will never be brought before the court again.

Accord­ing to the Bryan Times, Hughes was charged with an unclas­si­fied mis­de­meanor which alleged he know­ingly took part in pol­i­tics as a can­di­date for pub­lic office in a par­ti­san elec­tion, and that he cir­cu­lated an offi­cial nom­i­na­tion peti­tion in a par­ti­san elec­tion, while he was a clas­si­fied employee of the county.

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