Commisioners in Williams, Defiance counties meet tomorrow

Williams County’s com­mis­sion­ers begin their meet­ing tomor­row morn­ing at 8:30 on the fourth floor of the courthouse.

The meet­ing includes an update from the Williams County Eco­nomic Devel­op­ment Cor­po­ra­tion, as well as one from Fron­tier regard­ing EMS.

Defi­ance County’s com­mis­sion­ers also meet tomor­row morn­ing at 8:30.

This meet­ing includes dis­cus­sion on Hicksville’s Indus­trial Drive Exten­sion and a san­i­tary engi­neer­ing contract.

The Defi­ance Emer­gency Man­age­ment Agency build­ing hosts an annual elected offi­cials and town­ship trustees meet­ing tomor­row evening at 6 o’clock.

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