Competition Saturday for Miss Northwestern Ohio

Three local ladies will com­pete Sat­ur­day night for the Miss North­west­ern Ohio Schol­ar­ship Pro­gram. This year, Hay­ley Hes­selschwardt from Hicksville, Emily Leg­enza from Wauseon and Tayla Davis from Edger­ton are among eight con­tes­tants. The win­ner receives a $1,000 schol­ar­ship. The first run­ner up wins a $250 dol­lar schol­ar­ship and the sec­ond run­ner up receives a $150 dol­lar award. There are also sep­a­rate prizes for best tal­ent and best inter­view. The com­pe­ti­tion is open to the pub­lic. It’s Sat­ur­day night at 7:30 p.m. in the Defi­ance Com­mu­nity –Auditorium.

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