A man who was pre­vi­ously con­victed on bur­glary charges in Pulaski Town­ship was sen­tenced Tues­day to two years behind bars.

22 year old Travis Hicks moved to the area in August from Texas.

He took up res­i­dence at a home with a friend, 55 year old Tommy Yates.

It wasn’t long before res­i­dents started com­plain­ing that items were miss­ing from their barns and homes, all located within about a mile of where where the two were liv­ing.

After an inves­ti­ga­tion into the thefts, police searched Yates’ prop­erty and that’s when they found many of the miss­ing items.

Yates also faces charges.

He is accused of destroy­ing or con­ceal­ing evi­dence of the crimes.

Yates has pled not guilty. A final pre­trial con­fer­ence for his case is set for Nov. 18.

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