Defi­ance City Coun­cil met on Tues­day night, and the forced annex­a­tion pro­gram, along with truck traf­fic on Power Dam Road took up much of the meet­ing.

Other items were dis­cussed how­ever. Coun­cil received a pre­sen­ta­tion on a com­mu­nity health improve­ment plan and an update from a per­son pro­mot­ing the city’s 0.3 per­cent income tax levy on Nov. 5th.

Coun­cil learned that the city’s new annex­a­tion ini­tia­tive is mov­ing for­ward, and a res­i­dent of Power Dam Road com­plained about the amount of truck traf­fic there. The home­owner said that trucks are dam­ag­ing the street as they use it, appar­ently while fol­low­ing a 1973 map. The man said that a pub­lic meet­ing should be held on the issue.

Another res­i­dent there com­plained about the speed at which trucks travel that road.

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