An annual study released Wednes­day by the Uni­ver­sity of Wis­con­sin Pop­u­la­tion Health Insti­tute and the Robert Wood John­son Foun­da­tion ranks Ohio’s coun­ties in terms of healthy liv­ing.

Out of the state’s 88 coun­ties, Put­nam County ranked sec­ond, with Ful­ton County at 10th, Williams County at 19th, Henry County at 27th, Defi­ance came in at 28th, and Pauld­ing County at 55th.

The study con­sid­ered health fac­tors such as: adult smok­ing; adult obe­sity; exces­sive drink­ing; teen birth rate; access to med­ical and den­tal care; major health screen­ings such as dia­betes and mam­mo­grams; and social and eco­nomic fac­tors includ­ing edu­ca­tion, employ­ment and the crime rate.

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