Couple Sentenced In Death Case

The Asso­ci­ated Press this morn­ing is report­ing that a man and his wife have pleaded guilty in the death of a Michi­gan man whose body was found in an empty grain stor­age barn in Put­nam County ear­lier this month.

Robert Strauss of Toledo pleaded guilty to mur­der on Mon­day and was sen­tenced to life in prison. His wife, Desirae Strauss, pleaded guilty to invol­un­tary manslaugh­ter, for which she will serve 15 years behind bars.

Both were charged in July with killing 52-year-old Brian Mar­tin, who had been miss­ing since June.

Martin’s remains were found after an anony­mous tip pro­vided new infor­ma­tion to prosecutors.

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