Courthouse repair project to begin next week

Down­town is pretty and all, but the Christ­mas dec­o­ra­tions will be com­ing down on Sun­day so they can get started on the cour­t­house repair project. The exec­u­tive direc­tor of the Bryan Area Cham­ber of Com­merce said that final con­tracts were signed on Mon­day to repair the inside and out­side of the cour­t­house bell and clock tower, tur­rets, bal­conies, chim­neys, plus repair­ing the roof and seal­ing it. Scaf­fold­ing is going up next week, and the nearly mil­lion and a half dol­lar project is expected to last six months. When they are done, there will also be a new flag­pole for the top of the courthouse.

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