More cracks have been uncov­ered at a regional power plant build­ing.

FirstEn­ergy Nuclear Oper­at­ing Cor­po­ra­tion, the oper­a­tor of the nuclear plant along the shores of Lake Erie near Toledo, says it has found more cracks in the con­crete build­ing hous­ing the reac­tor.

Cracks were first detected in the shield build­ing in 2011, and offi­cials say they have grown a bit.

How­ever, both the com­pany and the Nuclear Reg­u­la­tory Com­mis­sion said Fri­day that the find­ings don’t mean the struc­ture is unsafe.

The com­pany says high-definition cam­eras now used for inspect­ing core sam­ples have iden­ti­fied the pre­vi­ously unseen cracks.

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