A single-vehicle crash Mon­day morn­ing claimed the life of a Pio­neer man.

The Ohio State High­way Patrol reports that 20 year old Kaleb McLaugh­lin, a pas­sen­ger in a pickup truck dri­ven by 20 year old Mer­cedez Lloyd, also of Pio­neer was killed when the truck ran off County Road 16 around 3:20am Mon­day morn­ing, hit a util­ity pole, and flipped.

The High­way Patrol reports that Lloyd was taken to Com­mu­nity Hos­pi­tals and Well­ness Cen­ters in Mont­pe­lier and then trans­ferred to Mercy St. Vin­cent Med­ical Cen­ter in Toledo with non-life threat­en­ing injuries.

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