Crash with horse trailer

Two per­sons were injured in a three vehi­cle col­li­sion on U.S. 6 near Water­loo. The DeKalb County Sheriff’s Depart­ment says 27-year-old Haley Chisholm of But­ler was pulling an empty horse trailer and try­ing to turn into a dri­ve­way on Tues­day after­noon. Her vehi­cle was struck on the pas­sen­ger side by a car dri­ven by 72-year-old Jerold Zehr of Auburn. A pickup truck dri­ven by 56-year-old Joseph Baysinger of Kim­mel then hit the back of the horse trailer which accord­ing to police did not have oper­a­ble brake lights. Chisholm went to the hos­pi­tal with neck pain. The pickup dri­ver wasn’t hurt.

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