Deadly Defiance Crash

The Ohio High­way Patrol this morn­ing is say­ing that a Defi­ance woman was killed in a single-vehicle crash Thurs­day morn­ing in Defi­ance County.

Police say a car dri­ven by 50 year old Kathy Browns of Defi­ance ran off Defi­ance County Road 424 and slammed into a util­ity pole.

The crash hap­pened yes­ter­day morn­ing around 6:20, and police say they believe speed was a fac­tor.

Browns was pro­nounced dead at the scene by the Defi­ance County Coro­ner.

Details of that deadly crash yes­ter­day morn­ing remain under inves­ti­ga­tion today.

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