A man who was sched­uled to die this Wednes­day for fatally stab­bing his neigh­bor was found hanged in his cell Sun­day.

Prison offi­cials say 44 year old Billy Sla­gle was found at about 5 a.m. at a Cor­rec­tional Insti­tu­tion south of Colum­bus and was declared dead. They say it was a sui­cide.

Under reg­u­lar prison pol­icy, he was sched­uled to be placed under pre-execution watch Sun­day morn­ing but that had not yet hap­pened.

Sla­gle was sen­tenced in 1988 to die for the stab­bing of Mari Anne Pope, who was killed while two young chil­dren she was watch­ing were in the house.

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