A deci­sion on whether to pro­ceed fur­ther with the pro­posed ren­o­va­tion of the Defi­ance County Cour­t­house was delayed Mon­day, but a deci­sion could be com­ing by Thurs­day.

A seven-member com­mit­tee on Mon­day dis­cussed the lat­est plans with the project archi­tect.

Some com­mit­tee mem­bers asked more time to review the recent revi­sions to floor plans, so the deci­sion has been delayed until com­mis­sion­ers’ next meet­ing which is set for 8:15 a.m. tomor­row.

A pro­posed change in the plans for the third floor has pushed the cost esti­mate for the project from $4.6 mil­lion to $4.9 mil­lion.

$5 mil­lion is the max­i­mum amount com­mis­sion­ers want to spend on the project.

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