Around 20 Bryan res­i­dents attended Monday’s Bryan City Coun­cil meet­ing to dis­cuss the prob­lem of deer on the west side of town.

An offi­cer with the Ohio Depart­ment of Nat­ural Resources said aer­ial ther­mal imag­ing has shown Pulaski and Cen­ter town­ships con­tain between 40 and 50 deer per square mile — one of the high­est deer pop­u­la­tions in the state. An accept­able num­ber would be about 20 deer per square mile.

Bryan offi­cials are con­sid­er­ing a num­ber of ways to con­trol the explod­ing deer pop­u­la­tion, includ­ing con­trolled hunts and deer con­tra­cep­tives.

Accord­ing to the Bryan Times, one preg­nant doe can lead to 44 deer within seven years.

Addi­tion­ally, deer over­pop­u­la­tion can con­tribute to dis­ease.

After a lot of dis­cus­sion on the mat­ter, coun­cil decided not to take any action on the deer issue at this time.

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