Despite some oppo­si­tion, Defi­ance offi­cials are mov­ing for­ward with annex­a­tion plans, and in fact, more annex­a­tions could be com­ing.

City coun­cil passed a res­o­lu­tion back in April stat­ing the city’s inten­tion to enforce its annex­a­tion pol­icy. That pol­icy says that prop­er­ties that are receiv­ing munic­i­pal water out­side the city lim­its — but con­tigu­ous to its bound­aries — would be required to request annex­a­tion within a spec­i­fied period of time or have their munic­i­pal util­i­ties dis­con­tin­ued.

Let­ters sent out ear­lier this year gave the first group of prop­er­ties until Aug. 9 to com­ply. Most did, result­ing in at least 10 peti­tions for annex­a­tions.

City offi­cials say more annex­a­tion peti­tions are likely in the future.

A sec­ond group of let­ters tar­get­ing more prop­er­ties for annex­a­tion is going out soon.

Those prop­erty own­ers also will have a spec­i­fied period of time to ini­ti­ate annex­a­tion pro­ceed­ings or have their water shut off.

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